The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation Scholarship – In Memory of Jim Gainey

The 2025 Scholarship Application Period Is Now Open.

Note: Please complete and submit The WunderGlo Scholarship Application Form in the fillable pdf format that we have provided ONLY.
Please do not submit a “Scanned” application.

How To Apply:  Download the fillable application here.

Note: All WunderGlo Scholarship Applications must be completed on our application form that is provided and downloadable (above) from our website. This is a “fillable” pdf file. If you have any questions about the application form or have problems downloading it, please contact for support.

It has often been said that “The Cornerstone for Success is an Education”, but not everyone can afford this opportunity. In the cancer world, finances become even more compromised and budgetary changes can lead to sacrifices.

Our founder Gloria Borges greatly valued and pursued her own academic education to the highest levels. After graduating Magna Cum Laude, Phi-Beta Kappa, as President of her Class of 2004 at Duke University, she was accepted to all of the top-ten law schools in the country and chose Stanford Law.  Gloria was deeply grateful for her educational privilege.

As the importance of education was paramount to our founder, our goal is to reduce some of the financial barriers that may limit a student from reaching their own potential.

It is with great pride that The WunderGlo Foundation offers annual scholarships to graduating seniors who are pursuing their secondary educations.

The WunderGlo Foundation Scholarship has been established to promote the continued support and development of “The Children of WunderGlo” whose lives have been impacted by a parent who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.  The scholarship is intended to assist students who wish to pursue further education to enhance their lives.

Program Oversight:  WunderGlo Scholarship Committee has been established, including Chair, Co-Chair and three advisory board members. The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation Board of Directors will vote to install the Chair of the Committee at its annual meeting each year.

Scholarship Amount: The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation will distribute three (3) $2,000 scholarships per year, pledging a total of $6,000 annually. Based on other potential support and funding, The WunderGlo Board of Directors will vote annually on the scholarship amount to be distributed each year.

For the 2025 scholarship period, Three (3) $4,000 scholarships will be awarded to the selected student recipients from additional Grant Funding that was received by The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation -In Memory of Deborah Rachel Goldberg, from her father, Dr. Marshall Goldberg, in his beloved daughter’s honor.

Eligibility:  Scholarships will be awarded to three (3) graduating high school students per year.


  1. High School graduating students.
  2. Students who have lost a parent to colorectal cancer.
  3. Minimum G.P.A. of 2.00
  4. Acceptance to a community college, 4 year college or university, nursing program, military or professional trade school.  Actual scholarship monies will be awarded upon proof of registration.

The Inspiration Behind this Scholarship – Jim Gainey

“I had a dream and a voice said, True warriors never stop fighting, they just run out of weapons. WunderGlo is getting more weapons everyday.  Never stop.  Let the fight rage on.” – Jim Patrick Gainey

There are certain people who we meet in this world that we simply will never forget. Jim Patrick Gainey is one of these incredible people.  An amazing man, husband, father, cancer warrior, and one of our most elite Wunder’s Warriors who embodied the spirit, heart and tenacity of a true life-Superman.

Jim worked since he was 10-years old. He met and married the love of his life, Catherine in 2007 and was blessed with his two sons, Shamus and Finnegan, in 2010 and 2012.  Then, on March 18, 2013, on the same day scheduled for his Life Insurance physical, Jim was told he had Stage-4 colon cancer and had only 2 to 3 years to live.

After absorbing this shock and devastation at age 31, Jim set the tone for how his family would face cancer.  He chose to draw strength by focusing on the positive things in his life. Jim saved money to provide for his family and the urgency became greater knowing that he would not survive to watch his sons grow up. He worked nearly to the end of his life to provide as much as possible, especially for their education. Jim Patrick Gainey passed away on January 11, 2016 at the age of 34.

The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation has named a scholarship in Jim Gainey’s honor that reflects the ideals of a responsible, caring, devoted, and courageous husband & father – forever tying our Superman’s Legacy to WunderGlo.

The WunderGlo Foundation is proud to launch these scholarships beginning with the Graduating Class of 2018.

“I had an amazing life. I regret nothing because everything I did made me who I am. I’m proud of the family I came from.  I’m proud of the people I call friends. I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate. Most of all, I’m so proud of my boys and I love them more than air.” – Jim Gainey – December 2015.

For more information Download the Flyer Here. 

How To Apply:  Download Application Here.