Tami Kay Brazil: Reflection of a lovely and grace-filled Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Stepmom, and Friend.
WunderGlo Legacy Warriors
“And Jacob dreamed about a ladder that rested on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down the ladder.” – Genesis 28:12
In the early morning hours of Thursday, June 7th, the gates of heaven opened at 3:37 am to welcome their glorious new angel, Tami Kay Brazil. Her final gift to her beloved wife Stephanie, and her family & friends beside her was Tami’s beautiful signature smile; a message to her loved ones that she is blissfully happy and that everything will be okay.
Always at peace in life, Tami only allowed love, positivity, understanding, truth, and acceptance to surround her, especially after her Stage-4 colon cancer diagnosis in 2015 at the age of 46. You would never hear a complaint of any type come from her as she chose to bathe herself in pure love and goodness. Upon first meeting Tami, one could not help but fall in love with her heart. -And no matter what she was going through, she selflessly always seemed to make everyone else feel that their well being was most important.
Tami was filled with faith. Tami never gave up hope. Tami always looked for “the good” in everything and in everyone. Tami was kind, patient, pure of heart, loving, and generous. Tami “Loved Life” and was filled with “Gratitude”. Tami was a true gift to everyone who was blessed to know her.
Tami Kay Brazil, you are dearly loved, you are deeply missed, yet we know that you are merely in another realm….nearby, and your angelic presence is watching over everyone and your eternal love will guide us every day.
Please join The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation in sending our heartfelt prayers and love to Tami’s wife, Stephanie Fore Gillum, her parents, siblings, friends, and family, as they mourn her passing and deeply miss her joy-filled physical presence on earth. Tami, you will always be remembered, your love-filled life will always be cherished, and your memory will always be honored in the work that we continue to one day find “the cure”.
Rest in peace, beautiful Tami Kay Brazil. October 10, 1969-June 7, 2018
Make a Donation to Finding the Cure in Memory of Tami Kay Brazil