2022 Children of WunderGlo Scholarship Recipients
- Nov 23, 2022
- By Samantha Nevarez
- In Uncategorized
The 2022 Children of WunderGlo Scholarship Recipients- View their Thank You Collaboration Film here.
In our fifth year of “The Children of WunderGlo Scholarship Program”, our 2022 student applicants impressed us immensely and filled our hearts with great hope for the future. The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation once again made the decision to step outside of our “scope” by awarding a total of Six (6) WunderGlo Scholarships to this year’s outstanding young men and women who graduated high school this year. Our 2022 scholarship recipients are comprised of five (5) students who each lost their father to colon cancer during their early teen years and to one student who lost his mother two months before his graduation.
WunderGlo awarded Three (3) $4,000 Scholarships, and Three (3) Recognition Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00.
We are beyond grateful to the family of Deborah Rachel Goldberg for their financial support to our WunderGlo Scholarship program this year, which increased our 2022 monetary award budget by $6,000 with their generous donation.
The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is extremely proud to announce that this year’s 2022 WunderGlo Scholarships have been awarded to Six (6) outstanding students from • Black Mountain, North Carolina, • Dorothy, New Jersey • Union, Missouri • Quincy, Massachusetts • Wilsonville, Oregon • Bradley Beach, New Jersey.
Our scholarship recipients are four young men and two young women who are now attending: • John Brown University (Siloam Springs, Arkansas) • Rowan University (Glassboro, NJ) • Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla, Missouri) • The University of Vermont (Burlington, Vermont) • Boston University – Honors College (Boston, Massachusetts) • Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, Florida)
The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation’s Annual Scholarships enhance the lives of young men and women throughout the country. Our hopes are that these remarkable young adults will always remember that The WunderGlo Foundation cares what they have been through, and we will always remember them. These are “The Children of WunderGlo”.
Lillian Johnson – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Lillian Johnson is a compassionate, brilliant, and grateful young woman who lost her father to colon cancer when she was 15-years old. Lillian is attending John Brown University (in Arkansas).
“The cancer took my dad from us. I’ve learned that the pain of losing someone you love so deeply and depend on so heavily doesn’t go away over time. It may subside for some time, but it is always there, affecting every aspect of life. Yet, I refuse to let this pain be in vain. I will dance, sing, seek beauty, and remain thankful for every moment because this is how my dad would want me to live. This is how I can honor him every day. Cancer steals and I would give anything to erase the pain that it has caused in so many people’s lives and prevent it from tearing apart the hearts of others. Words can’t express the desire I have to see the end of cancer. I am inspired by The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation as it supports those who have lost a parent to colon cancer. You encourage us to bravely keep moving forward as we seek to bring hope and healing to the world.”
“When my dad was on chemo, on our mantel was a decorative sign that read, “thankful for every moment.” The words became an outlook on life and a way of living that has helped me through the hardest, most impossible times, and reminded me of the beauty and value of being in the moment. It taught me to cherish the time I have with the people around me. I am so thankful for the heart of this foundation that comes from the heartbeat of Gloria Borges. I am so thankful for all that this foundation stands for and the hope, inspiration, and encouragement it has given so many people. You remind me to live in every moment and I am thankful for your steadfast fight against cancer, seeking to find a cure to end the loss and grief that this disease has caused far too many people. The support that The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation’s mission offers encourages me that people care about a matter that is so close to my heart to fight for a cure while remembering and caring for those that cancer has already affected. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to honor my father and remember the power of loving life and being thankful for every moment.”- Lillian Johnson
Congratulations, Lillian! The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is proud to have chosen you to receive our top scholarship. You are a thoughtful and caring young woman who is wise beyond your years; You are deserving of life’s very best. We wish you success in Arkansas at John Brown University and throughout your brilliant life ahead. Please watch Lillian’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.
Alexander Destefano – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Alexander DeStefano is an extraordinary young man who has a passion for bringing joy to the world through his music. He lost his father to colon cancer when he was 16-years old. Alexander is attending Rowan University in New Jersey.
“At the time of my dad’s death, there were strict Covid social distancing rules. We could not hold a funeral or visit friends and family. It was very isolating. More than ever, music became my refuge. I poured myself into composing and piano. I wrote a piece that honored my father and helped me cope with his death. I eventually performed this piece at his memorial service on the one-year mark of his death .I am appreciative of all The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation does to support people, like me, who have lost a parent to colorectal cancer. For many of us, the loss of a parent leaves a void that can never be filled. It is a very lonely feeling. By bringing together people who care about what we are going through and providing financial support for students to pursue their dreams, The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation provides comfort and, most importantly, hope.”
“This scholarship is particularly meaningful to me because it recognizes the impact of losing a parent to cancer. This loss is often accompanied by financial stress, so this scholarship is a blessing to me and my family. Thank you for not only supporting students like me, but also for all you do to raise awareness and fund research for those facing colorectal cancer. Your work has far-reaching impacts on many people. I am excited to do my part to raise awareness in my area. I am honored and blessed to have met Ms. Keller and learned more about Gloria and the Foundation’s work.” – Alexander DeStefano
Congratulations, Alexander! You are a such a positive, focused, and gifted young man. You are truly exemplary, and you make this world a more beautiful place by sharing and uniting us through your music. Everyone at The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is extremely proud to have chosen you to receive our top Scholarship. We wish you every happiness and success at Rowan University and beyond. Please watch Alexander’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.
Ryan Ewald – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Ryan Ewald is a hardworking and inspirational young man who lost his father to colon cancer when he was 14-years old. Ryan is attending Missouri University of Science and Technology
“Losing my dad at such a young age changed a lot for me. Not having his jokes, smile, financial support, mechanical knowledge and work ethic forced my family and me to make a big change in our everyday lives. Looking back on it, while this was a terrible loss for me, I feel like this was a big reason for me being the way I am today. This loss made me have to step up and take on his role in our household. I would take him back any day of the week, but this challenge shaped me into the young man I am today and taught me to never take any moment for granted.”
“I can’t thank you enough for the generous scholarship you awarded me! I appreciate your recognition of my efforts and will continue to be very dedicated to my studies and give back to others as you have done for me. I truly appreciate all the work that The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation does to end cancer one day. I never want another child to experience the loss of their role model like I did. Growing up is hard and it’s extra hard without my very supportive father to share all my life experiences and accomplishments with. Your Foundation is truly a blessing to others! Thank you for not resting until there is a cure for colon cancer. – Ryan Ewald – Missouri University of Science and Technology
Congratulations, Ryan! Your maturity and dedication make you a role model in showing that hardships that may seem insurmountable at the time can help you grow into a stronger version of yourself, who you will be proud of. Ryan, you are an inspiration to all others. The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is proud to honor such an outstanding young man. We wish you the best at Missouri University of Science and Technology and in all that you pursue in your bright and promising future! Please watch Ryan’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.
Jack Collins – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation “Recognition Award” Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Jack Collins is a respectful and compassionate young man who lost his mother to colon cancer two month before his high school graduation when he was 17-years old. Daniel is attending The University of Vermont.
“When I was only 12, my father was diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer. It’s really hard to describe, those who have not watched a person die of serious illness probably can’t comprehend it. In fact, I barely can. To see someone decay, become an emaciated, cadaverous version of themselves is disheartening to say the least. To see that someone you love has to carry around a colostomy bag as they barely manage to ambulate out of a room, or to the kitchen counter is horrifying. I can’t even imagine how my younger brother felt. I want to play my role in making sure that fewer people will ever have to experience what I did. I already wanted to work in healthcare, but this only cemented it more so in my mind. I’m probably not going to be the doctor who finds a miracle cure, but I can improve the lives of those suffering on the individual level, and make an immediate impact on the world. I hope that in this way, I can honor his memory. I hope that my dedication to this field can allow him to live on through me. I doubt that cancer will ever be truly gone from the world, but I am hopeful that our treatments will become more bearable and precise. One of the most difficult parts about having cancer is that the treatments can often be significantly more painful than the cancer itself. It’s quite strange that the most effective treatments involve killing healthy cells and hoping the cancer dies first. I am incredibly thankful that The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is willing to help make a difference by helping me towards my dreams of working in medicine.”
“It is my honor to be selected as a recipient of this scholarship. While nothing can really replace those we have lost, I hope that what I am able to do in my future as a medical professional would have made my father proud, and The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation’s scholarship is an amazing boost towards my education. The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is composed of very warm, friendly people who really made me feel welcomed and understood. Thank you all for everything you have done for me and for all the other recipients of this scholarship!”- Jack Collins
Congratulations, Jack! You are truly a very special and determined young man, and you will undoubtedly succeed in the medical profession and in all that you pursue. – And your passion and drive will help so many people in this world. Please know that all of us at The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation are honored to play this small role in your amazing life and we are so very proud of you. We wish you every happiness and success at The University of Vermont and onward. Please watch Jack’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.

Daniel’s Senior Photos, Wilsonville High School, 2022 Graduate
Daniel Page – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation “Recognition Award” Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Daniel Page is a respectful and compassionate young man who lost his mother to colon cancer two month before his high school graduation when he was 17-years old. Daniel is attending Boston University (Honors College).
“I recently experienced the loss of my mother after a 3 year-long battle with cancer. With her passing, the task of paying for college has suddenly become increasingly daunting and more difficult because we have lost half of our family income. In addition, I am currently in a position of looking for financial support, maintaining my grades, and studying for my three upcoming AP exams, all while grieving her loss. Education was incredibly important to my mother. She not only wanted me to grow and develop as a person and a student, but to enjoy the entire process of learning. I hope to emulate her passions and devotion to education in my future, and reflect the kind of person throughout my college experience and beyond.”
“I was absolutely crushed when my mother passed away from colon cancer in February of this year but I hope to make my mother proud of what I do in college and throughout my future. I will be able to put this money toward my college education and honor my mother’s love of learning, as well as pursue my dreams by studying for a degree in business. I am so grateful for the generosity and aid provided by The WunderGlo Foundation and I am incredibly appreciative of the goals they strive to accomplish. Thank you for being there to provide support for me and other students affected by cancer, I truly appreciate it.” – Daniel Page
Congratulations, Daniel! You are such a dignified young man and we are certain that you bring great pride to both your mother and father as they have watched you develop into a very respectful and empathetic young man. A heart like yours is gift to everyone you touch in this life. Please know that all of us at The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation are honored to play this small role in your incredible life and boundless future. We wish you every happiness and success at Boston University- Honors College and onward. Please watch Daniel’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.
Alexandra Kaufman – 2022 Recipient of The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation “Recognition Award” Scholarship – in Memory of Jim Gainey
Alexandra Kaufman is a vibrant and caring young lady who lost her father to colon cancer in 2018 when she was 14-years old, right before she graduated from 8th Grade. Alex is attending Florida Atlantic University.
“Cancer is horrible and brutal, and watching my dad battle this disease demonstrates his bravery and resilience. He never wanted me to see him at his worst, so he would fight back the pain and frowns. He continually told me that his wish was to see me grow up and graduate college. I still have a little more growing up to do, but I know that he will always be by my side. The more I reflect on my parents, the more I think about our similarities and how much I want to emulate them. I want my smile to light up the room like my dad did or how it still does in photographs, and how he always made friends wherever he went. I want to always laugh at silly things and be the strong capable woman my mom is. I am going to live my life just how my dad wanted me to, push myself to the limit, never hold back, and above all, never give up on anything. Ever. Some people say that being exactly like your parents isn’t necessarily the best way to live, but I know that if I live my life by following their example, my life will be the greatest testimonial to my dad’s legacy.”
“I was lucky enough to be a recipient of a $1,000 scholarship from WunderGlo. I want to personally thank each one of you for helping to make it possible to pursue my dream of being a teacher. Your contribution to my education will make it possible for me to focus on my studies. I hope that I can one day impact my students as much as WunderGlo has affected me. Thank you so much for this opportunity, – your assistance makes my goal that much more reachable. Thank you for your support. “– Alexandra Kaufman❤
Congratulations, Alexandra! You are such a responsible, devoted and caring young lady to your family, while you work hard in honor of your father & mother who support you. The love and respect that you have for your parents and the pride that you have in following their example to be “exactly like them” is absolutely beautiful. Everyone at The Gloria Borges WunderGlo Foundation is extremely proud to have chosen you to receive one of our scholarships. We wish you every success & happiness at Florida Atlantic University -and throughout your incredible life to come – you deserve it all! Please watch Alexandra’s personal “Thank You to WunderGlo” Video here.

We Congratulate all our 2022 Children of WunderGlo Scholarship Recipients!!!