Dealing With December
- May 01, 2024
- By Samantha Nevarez
- In Orly Levy Life Coach Support
Happy December and holiday season! While this may be a time of celebration, it is also a time of pain and grieving. Making it an important season to check in with yourself and ask, “what is it I need right now?” Not what is the world or media asking me to do or be (i.e., shopping, cooking, working, or spending time with others), rather what is it I need to support myself through everything I am experiencing.
It is not easy to slow down and ask ourselves this question and not easy to answer either. Your mind may want you to run around shopping and preparing or showing up how you “should” – therefore it is necessary to slow down and check in HONESTLY about what your body and soul are asking of you.
There are no right or wrong answers, it’s about taking the time to listen and cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself.
It takes courage to ask reflection questions and it takes courage to listen to the answer. Before your mind pops in with all the thoughts and ideas, hear that first quiet answer and go with it. It might be time alone, it might be connection with a friend, it might help and support, it might be exercise or rest, it might be celebration, laughter, and lighthearted love.
Asking ourselves these reflective questions creates a deeper relationship with ourselves. One where we are willing to care for ourselves and love ourselves and then ultimately trust ourselves in life. If we don’t connect with ourselves and listen to the intuition and guidance that’s within, we get lost.
Instead, build a foundation that supports you through the twists and turns of life. Be willing to try new things and be curious about what feels good and peaceful and lights you up. Sometimes if we are so lost or disconnected, we may chose to ask a loving friend or partner to support us – this takes even more courage.
Here are a few more questions to guide you:
- What do I need right now? (If a genie could grant me a wish, what would I want?)
- How can I slow down and listen?
- What brings me joy and peace?
- What creates stress and fear?
- How can I celebrate myself?
- Where am I not being honest or truthful with myself?
- Am I waiting for permission for something? If so, what is it?
UNLIMITED Love + Light,