Instead of Trying to Make the Right Choice…

“Life is a journey to be experienced not a problem to be solved” – Winnie the Pooh

The stress and depleting nature of “trying to make the right choice or the perfect choice” is exhausting and completely self-induced. At times, I have preferred to not make any decision at all because I couldn’t handle the looming thought of “what if I make the wrong choice”?

The criteria for right and wrong choices are always the same. My belief used to be that the choices that causes the least amount of pain and suffering are the BEST and the choices that leads to hardship was wrong.

However, are those statements true? I have found that they are NOT true. In fact, each important decision I have made has included a mixed bag. There were the good parts, the bad parts, the in-between “meh” parts… the idea that you can make a right choice, and everything will be smooth sailing is an illusion.

Of course, you want to use your best judgment, trust your intuition and put some thought or research into your choices – there is nothing wrong with that; however, putting the weight of happiness or unhappiness on your shoulders due to any big or small choice is unnecessary and harmful.
Check out my latest Tiny Buddha article about how I stopped carrying the weight of the world here.

Instead of “trying to make the right choice:”

  • Choose to trust your ability to overcome any challenge or obstacle that may arise from new choices.
  • Know that you are fully resourced and able to get the support you may require if something doesn’t go perfectly.
  • Remember times you made a decision and faced uncertainty in the past and how you got through it.
  • Stop looking at life and choices as black and white or right and wrong and start seeing life as a journey to be experienced.

We cannot make perfect choices nor does the right decision exist. Each decision will lead you to a new experience and that experience will likely include personal growth, positive + negative parts and will shape your life journey.

Looking for support, sign up for a free Connection Call here.

And check out testimonials from past and current clients here!

With love and light,