Is Complaining Good For You?

 “When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it, all else is madness.” Eckhart Tolle

We have all been there, something is bothering us, we aren’t sure what to do about it and we don’t like it, so we talk about it. We talk about it and talk about it and talk about it until it starts to annoy whoever is listening or even annoy ourselves (lol this happens to me).

Complaining is a slippery slope. We all do it and it has the same effect. It helps us to release and share what we are struggling with which is a positive thing, however if it is continuous, it keeps us focused on what is NOT WORKING.

Another way of saying this is that it keeps us lasered in and thinking about what we DON’T WANT. If we are focused on what we don’t want, what we don’t like or the big problems, we are powerless to change it.

Our thoughts repeat themselves, so the more we complain in our heads or out loud to others, the more we keep thinking those thoughts again and again. It is very much an addicting thought process that has no relief unless you shift your focus.

You cannot think and talk about what you don’t want all the time and “hope” to attract what you do want. If you want to keep experiencing what bothers you, then keep focusing on it.

You can use complaining to clear your head or release the build up of stress however, it is a MUST to then shift gears and change your focus, if not you are stuck – you are the victim.

Using the quote above try these three things:

  1. Come up with a solution to the problem and give it a try.
  2. Let it be – Accept the situation as it is (a must if it is out of your direct control).
  3. Leave the situation – how – think about other things, break up the thoughts that keep repeating by introducing new ideas or thoughts or literally leave.

If you’d like support to move past complaining and change your what bothers you, Join me on a Connection Call.

And check out testimonials from past and current clients here!

With love and light,