Repeating Experiences?

I cannot tell you the amount of times I have wondered, “why am I attracting the same experiences again?” or passionately said, “ I already know this and have moved passed it!” to yet again meet the same old experience.

There is a stopping, starting and repeating cycle that happens in life. On the outside, we might judge this as Groundhog Day where we keep waking up to the same exact experience and feel frustrated by the lack of change + stuckness.

Yet, even in the famous film, it is clear that as each repetitive day arises with the same frustrating challenges, he is not the same person. He is showing up differently each time. As time moves forward, he begins to change his actions and behaviors.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus

Over time he is changing and this is important to remember: you are not the same either. It doesn’t matter that you are starting, stopping, repeating, similar challenges(opportunities) – you are not the same.

Each process supports you to shed a layer of skin. Sometimes, it is as big as peeling a layer of onion and sometimes it is so small that you cannot notice it. Still, you are not the same person that you once were and therefore the experience whether painful or pleasurable will differ.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer.

Each experience whether it feels like “new day, same shit” or “sparkling fresh excitement” is an opportunity to enjoy, learn, grow and become a truer version of yourself.

At times, I feel a sense of disappointment or frustration that I am again facing fears, insecurities, and “seemingly” starting again in areas that I thought I had mastered (lol, this makes me laugh) however, this is my own judgment and ego.

Other times (when I am present), I feel deep gratitude that once again, I am able to peel back a layer of my own nonsense and see things clearer. I get to show up again, I get to grow and I get to experience the beauty of life.

This second view does not deny that there might be hardships or uncertainty, but it allows me to step into that river again with a deeper knowing and comfort in the uncertainty.

Which is a direct result of facing the repeating themes and experiences of my life. Each time comes more patience, trust, love and acceptance of myself. Each time I learn something new and I remember and each time things are not exactly the same.

There is a shift and once you begin to notice it, you begin to see things differently and once you see things differently, you do things (even slightly) differently, your circumstances change.


Questions to Consider:

What is new about the same old stuff in your life?

How have you changed or grown over time?

How can you show up to the same experience in a different way?

With love and light,