How You Relate to Issues
- May 01, 2024
- By Samantha Nevarez
- In Orly Levy Life Coach Support
A few years ago on our anniversary, my husband walked in with surfboard. I couldn’t stop laughing because since we moved to the beach, I kept badgering him about going. Something along the lines of, since we now lived so close to the water, he “should” take up the sport. However, I was the one who always admired and dreamed about surfing.
There is nothing more soothing to my nervous system than being at the beach or in the water. For me it is like heaven because I feel at sense of freedom and peace. Yet, I was also afraid of the water because the waves are big, and the water is cold and I hadn’t learned the skill of diving under the water.
Still, as soon as I got the board, I knew I would face my fears and give it a try. I didn’t expect to excel at surfing, I didn’t want to be able to stand or even paddle correctly, what I wanted was to be able to go into the water with ease and trust rather than the constant fear of being pulled + held under.
The problem was I had to release control and experience being seemingly “out of control” in the water. I knew I didn’t decide when the waves came, I couldn’t say when it would be a big one or a small one, I couldn’t stop it if I got scared, I had to go with it. I had to let it be the guide and follow its lead because it was more powerful than me.
The ocean has always been my teacher. Since I was a child, it awakened my soul and reminded me of the unlimited possibilities of life. I wanted to be able to flow like the water, I wanted to let go and let God handle the problems, I wanted to step into the unknowns of life the way a surfer did and ride the waves as they came.
At the time, I thought the ebbs (the challenges, the fears, the thoughts, the emotions) would hold me down. I believed they were bad, and I could drown in them. I refused to accept that there was a precious balance of life and ebbs + flows would always exist and instead fought against the tide. After struggling so much, I chose to see life differently.
I adopted these beliefs and use the ocean as my metaphor for life:
“There is no point fighting the tide. It ebbs. It flows. You ride it.”
“I trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. I trust that life is bigger than what I can see. I trust that there is a divine order beyond my control, and I trust that no matter what happens, I will be all right.” Oprah
The way I related to the ebbs caused the most amount of suffering. In other words, the way we relate to the issues is the issue. If you are in acceptance and trust of the ebbs and flows like Oprah wrote, you’ll experience life and be able to ride the waves without drowning in the water each time.
If you’d like to learn more about this and how it can change your life sign up for a free connection call
What would your life look like and feel like if you embraced the waves of life as a surfer does? What would you do differently? How would you respond differently and how would you feel?
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