If You Want to be Patient…

“Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty.” Brene Brown

I never saw myself as a patient person. I admired people who were so relaxed and trusting of time. I on the other hand, saw myself as fast, ready, a do-er and found myself waiting around impatiently for others or the universe to catch up – leaving me frustrated, disappointed and angry. 

Once I started meditation, breathwork and awareness of myself – things slowed down but still I couldn’t shake the impatience I felt. I looked into my relationship with time and something stood out — FEAR. 

Anything related to time left me with a sense of not enough, running out, or anxiety which then led me to the realization that I was afraid of something.


I was afraid of the unknown and uncertainty. I didn’t trust in my dreams or in the process of planting seeds + tending to them. 


I had all these plans, ideas and dreams and my expectations were not being met. Can you relate? It feels so much SAFER seeing the proof, arriving, getting IT, whatever it was. I had little faith to guide me and during times of transition this left me in a dark place. 


I realized, patience is not about getting what you want or need faster. It’s about trusting your unique journey and nurturing yourself along the way. 


The part of you that is impatient is the part of you that is afraid. It’s the part that hates uncertainty because it needs safety in a plan, in money, in a job title…it’s the part that is so uncomfortable in the unknown that it needs proof right NOW. It needs to arrive faster, receive some sort of acknowledgement, and serve a purpose now.


So when you are impatiently awaiting something – you can be sure that it’s your ego is all over it! The part of you that is connected to faith, trust, peace, stillness, wisdom, intuition is not rushing around or holding on tightly to a plan. It is resting in LOVE, PRESENCE, and ACCEPTANCE. 


If you want certainty, if you want safety in the unknowns, if you want to grow and change and live a better life you need to LEAN INTO LOVE, LEAN INTO TRUST, AND LEAN INTO THE PROCESS (the Journey).


By leaning in, I mean being open to the unknown in a new way. Like you are getting curious about your impatience, your interested in what’s underlying your fears and your getting comfortable in the discomfort that may arise from things taking longer, for not being “there” yet. 


By leaning in, you begin to realize that true safety – what we all seek – is not in the PROOF, it is in supporting and loving yourself through the journey! 

And you can do this right now – By showing yourself compassion and trust, be kind to yourself. 


Here are some questions to guide you:


  1. If my impatience/disappointment is about fear, what am I afraid of?

  2. How can I soothe this fear?

  3. What are some beliefs I can use to guide me? 

  4. What is the most loving thought or action or realization I can take today?

With Unlimited Love,