The Secret to A Happy Life

“A Happy Life is Found in Moments”

A happy life is found in the moments that make up the day. It’s not that every part of the day will be smooth and easy but there are moments and we need to pay attention and cherish them because these days are moving so fast.

It is not in the conclusion of the day, week, year. It has nothing to do with what has been achieved or what has been lost.

A happy life begins when you are present in the moment and choose to savor it. Savor it with the knowing that it will pass soon and be replaced with something different.

Without slowing down, we cannot be aware of the small and seemingly insignificant moments of joy. We experience them often but miss them completely and tend to focus on what didn’t work. What isn’t going well, etc.

Tomorrow a new day is coming and with that change and some new challenge or obstacle to overcome.

If we focus on the moments we can shift our energy from concentrating on the negative and wasting our days and we can find presence.

It might not be a good day or a good year or all the things you wanted but if you live moment to moment you find joy, beauty, love, laughter, hope, trust, and peace right now.

The version of a happy life is often one we saw on a movie screen. It was linear – there was a challenge usually in the middle and then it ended happily ever after. This is not really how life works but we are attached to this ideal version of happiness and end up extremely disappointed when it come to the reality of our lives.

This can change we shift our focus from the perfect ending to moment to moment living.  There isn’t a definitive end that equals happiness or a life worthwhile, rather it is during the day, throughout the day, the coming and going (with the knowing that what comes will go and what goes will come) that we find happiness.

Notice the moments, bring them into your awareness. The eye contact of connection, the innocent baby laughing, the warm hug, the sweet watermelon, the soft breeze, the LOVE, the silly joke, it’s all around. You don’t need to see it 24 hours a day to know its there. Notice it, its here, you just can’t see it or feel it when you are living in your head.

If you’d like support to get to this place of presence and joy, I can guide you – please sign up for a Connection Call here.

And check out testimonials from past and current clients here!

With love and light,